Learn More About Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Impacted wisdom teeth occur when the third molars fail to emerge from the gums or jawbone fully. It can cause severe pain and swelling around the tooth. Ignoring this problem can cause various oral health issues, such as infection, tooth decay and gum disease.
At West Perth Dental Centre, we offer treatment options to help get relief from painful, impacted wisdom teeth and restore oral health. We use the latest technology to address the problem, so patients can smile and feel great again.
Don’t let the impacted wisdom teeth get in the way. Consult with one of the skilled dentists here and know the appropriate way to relieve discomfort.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Swelling of the gums
Gums that are swell, tender to the touch, and red can be a sign of an impacted wisdom tooth. It occurs when bacteria start to build up and irritate the gingival.
Pain in the jaw area
The inflammation of the jaw caused by the impaction can cause severe discomfort. The pain may radiate to nearby areas and lead to uncomfortable chewing.
Difficulty opening the mouth
As the wisdom teeth come in, they can push against the other teeth and make them move. It can cause discomfort in the jaw, making it stiff, sore, and difficult to open.
Bleeding gums
If brushing causes the gums to become red and bleed, it could be a sign that a wisdom teeth problem needs to be dealt with.
Our Services That Can Address
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Dental Fillings
Dental fillings are tooth-coloured material that dentists can apply to fill in or close the cavities that have formed in impacted wisdom teeth. This treatment aims to restore the teeth and prevent decay or cavities from spreading.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth extraction is a recommended treatment option if the patient experiences persistent pain and when the teeth develop an infection. The dentist will extract the teeth carefully with anaesthesia.
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ABOUT Impacted Wisdom Teeth
What causes wisdom teeth to become impacted?
Lack of space in the jaw is commonly the root cause of an impacted wisdom tooth. When your jaw is too small to accommodate all of your teeth, they can become stuck or grow at the wrong angle. Insufficient space can make it difficult for your wisdom teeth to erupt fully, resulting in impaction. Possible prevention measures such as regular dental checkups and x-rays can help identify potential problems and your dentist to evaluate the location of your wisdom teeth. These actions may allow you to plan appropriate treatments with your dentist.
What are the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?
Impacted wisdom teeth don’t always cause any unusual problems at first, but symptoms can arise either suddenly or gradually. Symptoms to look out for can include the following:
- Pain in the gum area where the wisdom tooth is coming through.
- Tender gums that easily bleed.
- Swelling in the jaw area of the face.
- A foul odour is coming from the affected area.
- Difficulty opening the mouth or stiffness of the jaw.
If you’re experiencing any of these signs of an impacted wisdom tooth, don’t hesitate to consult your dentist toknow further your condition and get proper treatment.
How can impacted wisdom teeth be managed without removal?
Some dental professionals manage impacted wisdom teeth by leaving them alone only if they are not causing pain or interfering with oral health. But if they have potential risks and are causing severe discomfort, they are more likely to need removal. Furthermore, some patients may choose to have their impacted wisdom teeth extracted even if they aren’t causing any pain to prevent potential problems in the future. Managing wisdom teeth that don’t fully emerge significantly depends on your case. We highly recommend consulting the dentist to identify the appropriate course of action.
Can impacted wisdom teeth cause health problems beyond the mouth?
Impacted wisdom teeth can cause numerous adverse health effects beyond problems in your mouth and jaws. An infection caused by a wisdom tooth can spread to other body parts, leading to serious health conditions such as headaches and affecting vital organs like the heart or lungs. In severe cases, these complications can even be fatal. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to any adverse health effects that may arise due to wisdom teeth issues and seek appropriate treatment as soon as possible.
How can impacted wisdom teeth affect oral hygiene?
Partially impacted wisdom teeth can badly interfere with your oral hygiene because of their location in the far back of the mouth. Generally, a gum flap can form over the top of the wisdom teeth, which can make food and bacteria easily accumulate in these areas. These spaces can be difficult for a toothbrush or floss to reach, making it harder to keep impacted wisdom teeth clean. Taking preventative action, like regular dentist visits, can help maintain good oral hygiene.